class | Action |
| We hope we wrote our example actions in a way that they can be integrated into your Finite State Machine, Behavior Tree, or Planner. We provide a sample use of our sample actions in the PlanDemo.cs class. More...
class | Blackboard |
| This is used to store some values, and make some methods available in a place where they can be edited without affecting the other classes. More...
class | ChaseSlot |
| This is an example for how a chasing behavior could be implemented in NEEDSIM Life simulation. For a specific game better solutions might be desirable. More...
class | DecideGoal |
| For goal oriented behaviors: Get a goal from the simulation, and try to get a slot where the goal can be satisfied. More...
class | DecideValue |
| For Value-oriented behaviors: Try to get a slot based on utility of all available slots (relative to the current satisfaction level of the needs of the agent). More...
class | InterruptionFuchsalarm |
| This action demonstrates how interruption of typical NEEDSIM behaviors could look like. More...
class | MoveToSlot |
| Moving to a slot. The best implementation for such a behavior might be different in your project, but this script offers a starting point. More...
class | NEEDSIMManager |
| This class stores the values that the NEEDSIMROOT will use for running the simulation More...
class | NEEDSIMNode |
| Every object and agent in NEEDSIM Life simulation has a NEEDSIMNode: This is the essential component for using NEEDSIM Life simulation. More...
class | NEEDSIMRoot |
| Every scene should have one root node for the AFFORDANCE TREE. This uses the settings of the NEEDSIM Manager and controls the simulation. More...
class | PlanDemo |
| A simple behavior control solution. We tried to write this in a way that makes it easy to use our code samples in Finite State Machines, Behavior Trees and Goal-oriented Action Planning. The idea is that you can run our simulation from within a different solution, for example in case you want to have agents with fighting capabilites. More...
class | SatisfyGoal |
| Participate in a slot to satisfy a goal. More...
class | SatisfyUrgentNeed |
| Participating a slot. The respective behavior for value/urgency oriented behaviors. More...